I’m going to Paris!

Paris est ma destination de rêve. Ever since I developed hormones, I’ve always dreamt of being in Paris. Being in the land of romance. Much has been written about the city, the people, the fashion but mostly the amorousness of it all.

I can already picture myself sipping cafe latte in a quint cafe watching the beautifully manicured Parisan women pass by and secretly swooning the ever so hairy frenchmen … and when the waiter utters “Voulez-vous un verre” I would reply “Je voudrais s’il vous plaît un caffè latte” Believe you me that’s about the only french I know.

Who would have guessed that my first trip to Paris would be before I turn 40!

Its like from the fairytale book where wishes do come true. Just like Cinderella! I really do believe now that whatever the mind can conceive it can achieve.

So I googled what to do in Paris, according to http://www.davidlebovitz.com/ “what’s not sexy about Paris?” They make eating burgers look sexy!

Parisians Want to Seduce You… Ooo I like! For the French, seduction isn’t just for the bedroom. They consider the power to seduce an essential skill in everyday life, useful for everything from getting their own way in an argument to winning over clients in business. The secret is in the art of presentation — – used to entice, tease, and lure. Oh my knees are shaking!.From clothing, candies, toys, and artworks…with a whole city of boutique windows designed to please, it’s no wonder the French phrase for window shopping is faire du lèche-vitrines (window licking). Enjoy the priceless pleasures of strolling arm-in-arm past the city’s oldest boutique windows in Les Passages Couverts, historic 19th-century shopping passages pre-dating today’s department stores and shopping malls.

Shall I Kiss under the Pont-Marie? Ooo la la… The Pont-Marie is known as the “bridge of lovers” and legend has it that if you kiss under the Pont-Marie and wish for eternal love, your wish will be granted.

I can’t wait!

Watch this space for more updates…

But… if you are dying to know!

Call me at 012-3200969